Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Current Direction

Last week I experimented with a half-dozen algorithms for doing dense correspondence matching and finally settled on this:


Mr. Liu uses an algorithm that combines minimizing local energy functions from Lucas-Kanade and a global energy function from Horn-Schnuck to get dense flow that is resilient to noise. I tried a similar algorithm earlier on, but I suppose they were just of inferior quality because this algorithm is doing extremely well.

Left Image

Right Image Warped

My one problem moving forward is still speed. It will take a few minutes to fully register a set of images, which is OK, but a little annoying with very large databases. If I can constrain the objective function in Liu's algorithm with calibration data, I can get a major performance boost. Liu is using some pretty heavy mathematics that I'll have to spend some time learning if I'm going to be able to make changes confidently.

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